study cases

n!factorial DofiJet Boats

Dofi Jet Boats

Client: Dofi Jet Boats


Dofi Jet Boats is a company created in 1950 dedicated to the tourist transport of travelers in the southern Costa Brava (Catalonia, Spain). Their boat lines make a route between the towns of Calella and Tossa, passing through important tourist areas such as Santa Susanna, Malgrat or Lloret de Mar.

The company has points of sale of tickets located on the beach along the entire route transporting more than 160,000 passengers each year.

Dofi Jet boats sells its tickets both to individuals at the box office and through agreements with different travel agencies.

The proposed solution

We analyzed the sales processes to individuals and through an agency, studying the particularity of the point of sale where there is no fixed connection to the Internet or to the Internet.

The terminals, in Android, have software that controls the entire ticket sales and validation process and the data is transmitted to the server.

The terminal allows to perform all the necessary functions of a ticket office such as the sale of tickets of the different products both to individuals and travel agencies, collect the reservations of places made in the system by the commercial team and carrying out the administrative tasks of Opening and closing of box.

The developed application collects all the data of the terminals and allows to perform the administrative tasks cash control of the ticket offices as the realization of the billing of the different bonds assigned to travel agencies from the commercial agreements reached.

Example of digital transformation of DofiJet Boats by n!factorial.

The web application allows you to see the real-time situation of the ticket offices, the sale of tickets and the occupation of the ships, as well as displaying comparative statistics with data from previous years assigned to travel agencies based on the commercial agreements reached.

Dofi Jet Boats· Aplicación control Real time management of the passage

The result

Dofi Jet boats has gone from performing all administrative tasks and booking management manually to have a system that controls the entire process of sale, booking, billing and control of all operations performed by the company centralizing all information in a web platform

Control has been increased in all processes and data is being obtained to improve the operating processes of the company, thus improving the service to the final customer.

The digital transformation of the company has had an impact on the improvement of the service management thanks to the control application that allows the real time management of the passage. At all times both the personnel on board and at the boarding points have specific information of the people who are using the transport service facilitating the organization.

The web sale allows the purchase of tickets to customers 24 hours a day, in advance and with payment by credit card, being reflected all the operations on the platform.

Dofi Jet Boats· Compra de billetes anticipada Purchase of tickets in advance